US ‘Backed Itself Into Corner’ By Blaming ISIS For Moscow Attack As Fires Burned: Kremlin

Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova on Wednesday gave an interview to Russian state-run English language media wherein she continued to advance the Kremlin’s claims that the Ukrainian government or its Western partners likely had something to do with the the Crocus City Hall terror attack.

She described that it was strange that a Western media narrative coalesced around ISIS being behind the attack even as the mall and concert hall was still on fire and emergency crews were still responding. She said the US government has backed itself “into a corner” given that officials made bold statements too quickly in the aftermath.

“The very fact that within the first 24 hours [after the attack], even before the fire was put out, the Americans started screaming that it wasn’t Ukraine, I think, is a piece of incriminating evidence. I can’t classify it otherwise; it is evidence in and of itself,” Zakharova told Sputnik

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