Opinion: Look for the People Who Are Helping

I’ve been about 90% of the way to this conclusion for years, but I’m increasingly convinced that all corporate media is simply weaponized. It exists to manipulate and shape, not to inform or inspire. I know, I know, but let’s still say it explicitly to get the ball rolling. I’ll return to this point.

The big split in alternative media is the division between the people who think our ruling class is full of incompetent fools who are accidentally destroying everything they touch and the people who think our ruling class is cleverly executing a plan to deliberately destroy everything they touch.

I think this division is more and more easily bridged by the view that they’re deliberately destroying everything they touch because they think they have a clever plan to replace it all, but they’re roughly a hundred trillion times dumber than they think they are, and none of it is ever going to work the way they think it will. It’s incompetence and a plan: They’re incompetent fools who are deliberately executing a plan that they incorrectly think is smart, destroying because they think they’re building.1 They put the panel discussions at Davos on YouTube, in case you doubt me. Hubris summons nemesis, but overcredentialed hubris summons the shit out of nemesis. “Oh, man,” nemesis says, really sensing a full day at work.

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