Almost half of millennials think misgendering a transgender person should be a CRIMINAL offense, new survey finds

Almost half of millennials believe using the incorrect pronouns for a transgender person should be considered a criminal offense. 

A survey, conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies for Newsweek suggested that among those aged between 25-34, 44 percent were in favor of the idea while just 31 percent disagreed.

The remaining 25 percent of those responding to the survey either expressed no clear opinion or simply stated that they didn’t know.

Those surveyed weren’t asked what punishment should be meted out to those who use the wrong pronouns. 

Similar sentiments were found among those aged 35-44. In that group, 38 percent appeared to be in favor of criminalizing misgendering someone while 35 percent were against. 

About one quarter – 26 percent – were either unsure or did not express an opinion.

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