Twitter Abandons Free Speech, Folds to New European Union Censorship Regulations

Twitter has folded to new mandates set by the European Union that effectively snuff out free speech and will be complying with this Orwellian regime moving forward.

Twitter allowed EU goons into its company headquarters last week to train their staff on how to restrict free speech under the guise of preventing Russian propaganda, fake news and criminal activity.

“When it comes to online crime, there can be no half measures. Very large online platforms need to put the necessary internal controls and resources in place to be ready for the new European rules,” said Thierry Breton, the EU commissioner tasked with enforcing the extremely draconian Digital Services Act.

“Twitter is taking the exercise seriously and has identified the key areas on which it needs to focus to comply with the DSA. With two months to go before the new EU regulation kicks in, work needs to continue for the systems to be in place and work effectively and quickly,” Breton continued, making it clear that he is in control and Twitter CEO Elon Musk takes orders from him.

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