The Pentagon And NASA Have No Earthly Idea What These Flying Metallic Orbs Really Are

The Pentagon and NASA are struggling to identify metallic orbs that have lately been sighted around the world at more and more frequent intervals. The newly-created All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office says the U.S. could be doing more to identify these white or silver orbs, which range between 1 and 4 meters (3-13 feet) in size and regularly fly just below commercial flight altitudes.

The AARO now refers to these orbs as Unexplained Anomalous Phenomena, or UAPs, rather than Unidentified Flying Objects, or UFOs, which is how we used to refer to so-called flying saucers or any other alleged alien craft in the past. The mysterious objects have been renamed to account for more objects that may not fall under the narrow classification that UFOs entail, according to Vice.

The idea, presumably, is that the term UAP accounts for a broader category of anomalies, and will allow the researchers at AARO to investigate the mysterious metallic orbs, as well as similar phenomena, in a broader sense — even by leveraging unofficial sources of footage and information, such as crowd-sourced surveillance footage from smartphones that belong to regular people.

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