The Italian journalist, Luisella Scrosati, tells it in the newspaper La Brújula Cotidiana following a speech by the Archbishop of Antwerp, Monsignor Johan Bonny, at the last German Synodal Assembly.
In a day full of interventions of one and a half minutes each, Archbishop Bonny was able to benefit from no less than eight minutes, to tell how the Belgian bishops have officially introduced the blessings of homosexual couples in their dioceses, as we have already reported in this medium . .
Archbishop Bonny explained in his speech that the Belgian bishops, after reading and meditating for two days on the Post-Synodal Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, produced a brief text of two and a half pages, with only four paragraphs, in which two fundamental points are collected: a stable pastoral care of queer people (this is the term used by Bonny, but from the context it is understood that it refers to all LGBTQ orientations), with the designation of a person in charge for each diocese, and a stable interdiocesan group; and secondly, the blessing of all homosexual couples.
The first paragraph, the archbishop explains, points to the two texts on which these two decisions are based, namely paragraphs 297 and 303 of Amoris Laetitia. Both belong to the eighth chapter, decidedly the most problematic and controversial of the Exhortation. The first, number 297, is the Pope’s exhortation to “integrate everyone”, to “help each person find their own way of participating in the ecclesial community, so that they feel that they are the object of ‘undeserved, unconditional and gratuitous mercy’. ‘”.