A big fire devastated the Salumificio Coati chemical plant in Italy

A fire of apocalyptic proportions occurred on the afternoon of Thursday 9 February in Arbizzano, in the province of Verona: the flames broke out in the Salumificio Coati plant. 

A real race against time that of the firefighters, who arrived on site with as many as 16 vehicles (some even from the provinces of Vicenza and Padua) and engaged in battling against the flames which, among other things, also generated a frightening column of black smoke visible even from hundreds of meters away. 

During the most agitated phases of the fire, the local police of Verona and that of Negrar asked not to pass through the area, while via Valpolicella and via Leonardo Da Vinci, the street where the burned factory is located, were closed to traffic.

A person, to escape the flames of the plant, would have thrown himself from a window. Admission to Borgo Trento hospital in code red required. 

In the meantime, the municipality of Negrar has issued a statement in which “not knowing the composition of the cloud, citizens are advised not to expose themselves in open places and keep the windows closed within a 1 km radius of the Coati plant. In case of need, the use of FFP2 masks is recommended to leave the houses in the areas close to the fire”.


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