The French president spoke for over an hour on various topics the EU must address, but perhaps most prominently he declared that the EU has to “derisk its model from the U.S. agenda”.
“We are at risk,” French President Emmanuel Macron announced at the Berlin Global Dialogue this past Wednesday.
Many are reporting on Macron’s dire warnings for the EU, but what was perhaps most noteworthy were his statements about the U.S. and the implications for Europe.
“When both the U.S. and China are not following WTO rules, France should not be the only one in the room to play by the book,” Macron said, urging Europe to “preserve a level playing field.”
“Our former model is over… This is not the same world, and on top of that, we are making the same mistakes. We are overregulating and underinvesting,” Macron insisted, adding that the EU would be “out of the market” if changes are not made.
“The EU must deliver its own agenda… The growth model of our countries is at risk… The EU has to deliver more autonomy,” he further enunciated, before delivering a final wake-up call.