Although this might seem counterintuitive given the current political culture, but there is a realistic chance that voting for what the media calls the “far Right” is the best way to save democracy. Contrary to what one might believe, the true threat to a democratic system comes rarely from the Left or the Right per se, but from those who simply assume that they are entitled to rule, regardless of the will of the voters.
The true beauty of democracy is less its moral content, but the fact that it is designed to vote those out who got a little too comfortable with holding power. By nature in democracies power is not supposed to be hereditary, even though there are always attempts by the ruling elites to make it so. A healthy democracy will rise up against those very elites at the voting booth, installing a new elite – which then is supposed to be replaced as well if they should get too comfortable with power.
To be clear, I am not using the term elite in a conspiratorial sense, but to describe the media, culture, and political establishment that has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo at all costs. Think about former German Chancellor Angela Merkel claiming her policies are “without alternatives” or the 2016 presidential elections in the United States, where the establishment dream was not a contest between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, but between Jeb Bush (the son and brother of two former presidents) and Hillary (the wife of a former president). This is about as hereditary as it could get in supposedly democratic republic, and among the left leaning elite this urge is still strong.