Euthanasia Is All About The Money

You may have noticed, Dr. Vernon Coleman says, that the mainstream media is giving more and more time and space to the subject of euthanasia or doctor-assisted suicide. Much of the publicity is absurd and misleading.

Euthanasia is a programme of genocide, not kindness. Euthanasia is all about money. It’s an essential part of the route into Net Zero which is, of course, the prelude to the Great Reset wherein which “we will all own nothing and be happy.”

The authorities want to kill the elderly, the sick and the frail. In countries where euthanasia is legal, they are already killing children, the mentally ill and the poor.

The chapter below is taken (with his permission) from Jack King’s essential book `They Want to Kill Us’.

The euthanasia scam is being sold as an exercise in kindness.

“The good news is that we can help you avoid pain and distress and save your family from the agony of seeing you decline slowly. By helping you to commit suicide, we bypass all that pain and take you straight to the closing credits.”

That’s all nonsense, I’m afraid.

Euthanasia is all about money. It has been established that the average annual healthcare cost per person for individuals in their last year of life is 14 times as high as for those not in their last year of life.

As a result, money is being diverted from health care and palliative care into ‘Voluntary Assisted Dying’ programmes (also known as “state-sponsored deaths”) which are designed to cut health care costs. It is a lot cheaper to kill people than it is to provide palliative care.

And, even more significantly, euthanasia programmes are being introduced in order to cut pension costs.

It is no secret that all developed countries are facing huge pension problems.

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