Germany’s youth swing to the right: Anti-immigration AfD becomes no. 1 party for Germans under 30

“We can speak of a clear shift to the right in the young population,” summarized one researcher.

German youth are shifting towards the Alternative for Germany (AfD) amid concerns over mass immigration, inflation, the economy, and the war in Ukraine, according to the “Youth in Germany” study, which was conducted on 14- to 29-year-olds.

The results of the large-scale survey show that twice as many young people would vote for the AfD compared to 2022 and that the party is now the number one party in Germany in terms of favorability.

“The AfD has clearly succeeded in presenting itself as a protest party for the traffic lights and as a problem solver for current concerns,” reads the study.

The study also notes that politically conservative, anti-immigrant and xenophobic statements have increased among youth.

“We can speak of a clear shift to the right in the young population,” summarized researcher Hurrelmann.

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