Sometimes the trash takes itself out. Case in point: Dr. Kate S., a proud “rape apologist” who was part of Google’s “child safety” team, has just been shown the door. She made headlines for all the wrong reasons after a past tweet of hers went viral. In it, she chastised “Karens” for holding “men of color” responsible for rape. Yes, you heard that right. This disturbing tweet from the so-called Google “child safety” strategist left decent people absolutely floored. It’s a really frightening reminder of who’s been in charge of what we’re supposed to consider “safety” online.
Here’s what Dr. Kate S. had to say about “Karen” women who complain about being raped:
But believe it or not, it actually gets worse. In another tweet, the good doctor weighed in again on “Karens” and their bothersome “rapey” complaints: