Climate Study Reveals Wearing a Pair of Jeans Just Once is the Equivalent to Driving a Car for 6.4 Miles

They might be an essential piece of everyday clothing, but scientists now say that even a simple pair of jeans could be bad for the environment. 

Wearing a pair of fast fashion jeans just once creates 2.5kg of CO2, the equivalent of driving a petrol car 6.4 miles. 

Scientists from the Guangdong University of Technology analysed the life cycle of a pair of Levi’s jeans from growing the cotton to their eventual disposal. 

They found that some jeans were worn only seven times – earning them the classifiation of ‘fast fashion’ – and produced 11 times more CO2 than jeans wore more often. 

Dr Ya Zhou, the study’s lead author says: ‘The humble wardrobe staple – a pair of jeans – has a significant impact on the environment.’

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