Massive German document release sheds still more light on the entire Covid farce, as if any more light were needed

Last week, the Robert Koch Institut (the German CDC) released over 2,500 pages documenting the meetings of the “Covid Crisis Team” between January 2020 and April 2021. They did so in response to long-running litigation by journalists at Multipolar.

This is a major revelation – a rough German equivalent of the Fauci email releases from 2021 – which takes us directly into the internal discussions of the pandemic managers throughout the 2020 lockdowns and the early stages of the vaccination campaign. You can download the minutes and agendas yourself here. They’re heavily redacted, but they provide a dismal view of the whole pandemic circus and its idiotic, hapless coordinators. It will take me weeks to finish studying them, but German Twitter has done the Lord’s work unearthing many of the more important revelations, as does this surprisingly critical ZDF article. Here I want to highlight just three points.

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