Tucker Carlson: How Revolution Happens—and How to Stop It

In spiritual war, bravery’s the strongest weapon.

I think we underrate just how boring identity politics is.

Obviously, it’s an attack on Western civilization, but on a more prosaic level, it’s just very tiresome, because when you’re talking about identity politics, what are you talking about? You. As my wife often points out, there’s nothing more boring than you.

Talking about yourself was the most offensive thing you could do in the world that I grew up in. When my father would check our thank-you notes as children, if you began more than one sentence with the word “I,” he made you rewrite it.

He would always say, “Oh, it’s about you? Really? You gave the present? I don’t think that you did. I think it’s about the person who gave it to you, so why don’t you talk about them?”

Suddenly we have an entire country where our politics, our literature, our art is all based on me talking about me. It is narcissism at scale, and it’s yawn-inducing.

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