In a world that values integrity, we’d trust both our leaders and the so-called experts. Sadly, in the US, we’re grappling with a government obsessed with power and experts whose advice often seems more about politics and profit than truth.
The COVID “pandemic” highlighted this disturbing trend, revealing how fear, viruses, and medicine can become tools for political power and financial gain. It’s a dangerous mix when politics and health care team up with “experts” like Fauci, who were leading this disturbing alliance.
In the US, trust has been demolished by a hunger for control and profit. The fallout from all the deceit, manipulation, and censorship is massive. Americans are growing skeptical of doctors, scientists, and, naturally, politicians. We’re not just accepting what we’re told anymore; we’re scrutinizing the motivations behind their messages.
The lies and medical deceit that they’ve shoved down our throats should be criminal.