Javier Milei using Military to Crack Down on Drug Lords

Argentina’s Security Minister Patricia Bullrich on Friday convened a crisis committee to contain with the support of the Armed Forces the escalation of violence linked to drug trafficking in Rosario, central Argentina, according to official sources.

In less than a week, hitmen in the service of drug gangs murdered two taxi drivers, seriously wounded a bus driver – paralyzing public transportation – shot at a police station, and set fire to a vehicle in response to the “Bukele-style” prison control measures implemented by Santa Fe Governor Maximiliano Pullaro.

“Due to the events of the last few days in the city of Rosario, which have revealed the escalation of violence by narco-terrorist gangs, it is necessary and urgent to redouble the coordinated efforts of the National State and Santa Fe to restore internal security in the province,” reads the text of the ministerial resolution, which EFE obtained.

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