Trump Admin Traitors Claim They Might Flee the Country If He Is Reelected

Former fifth columnists in the first Donald Trump administration claim they are considering fleeing the country if he is reelected.

Trump officials turned critics, including Alexander Vindman, who assisted the failed first impeachment of the former president, and inveterate war hawk John Bolton, among others, have suggested they could be persecuted under a second Trump administration.

Former White House press secretary and drunk driver Stephanie Grisham, who turned on Trump after January 6th, said the prospect of his reelection is “terrifying” and that she has been saving money to move to a country with no extradition treaty with the U.S.

She indicated that even her mother suggested she is being unreasonable, but said of the former president: “I’m like, ‘OK, Mom. You don’t know him.’”

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