Pope’s January prayer intention: For gift of diversity in the Church

Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for the month of January, and invites Christians to embrace the diversity of charisms in the Church as a richness.

“Let us pray that the Spirit help us recognize the gift of different charisms within the Christian communities, and to discover the richness of different ritual traditions within the Catholic Church.”

As the new year got underway, Pope Francis released a video to accompany his prayer intention for the month of January 2024, during which Christians celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, on 18-25 January.

In the video, the Pope urged Christians to unite our prayers to his “for the gift of diversity in the Church,” since diversity is an opportunity to “rejoice”.

He noted that diversity and unity were already present in the early Christian communities, adding that the tension brought about by diversity “had to be resolved on a higher level.”

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