18-Year-Old Boy Died After Doctors Tried To Create A Vagina From Part Of His Colon

A disturbing story from the UK reveals that a trans-identified teenager died from complications that arose from a surgery in which doctors tried to build him a vagina using parts of his colon.

Our culture keeps trying to convince us that it’s perfectly normal for minors to receive puberty blockers at a young age if they know deep down that they’re transgender and don’t identify with the gender they were “assigned at birth.” Anyone who dares to speak out against the idea that minors should be given hormone therapy or even surgery to affirm they gender identity is called a bigot, transphobe, or worse. Author J.K. Rowling has been on the receiving end of threats and attacks after she declared that children’s transgender procedures are “one of the worst medical scandals” in the last century. But a story that emerged from the UK only proves how right Rowling was.

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