CDU leader Merz spectacularly U-turns on possibility of working with right-wing AfD after backlash

Several high-profile CDU officials reminded Merz of a party resolution never to work with the AfD, but could this end up being to the party’s detriment?

The leader of Germany’s CDU opposition party, Friedrich Merz, has walked back the suggestion his party may work with the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party at a local level after ferocious backlash from members of his own party.

Speaking on Sunday to the broadcaster ZDF, Merz said that in areas where AfD candidates are elected, “it is natural to look for ways to continue to work in that city.”

He added that “results should be respected” amid attempts by some establishment politicians to discredit the recent electoral successes of the AfD following its first mayoral election in Raguhn-Jeßnitz, a small town in the state of Saxony-Anhalt earlier this month, and Robert Sesselmann’s municipal victory in Thuringia last month.

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