20 hooded Antifa thugs attack 7 women belonging to patriotic women’s group inside a Swiss restaurant

The group is outspoken about mass immigration and violence against European women by foreign populations.

In the Swiss city of Bern, a group of suspected left-wing extremists assaulted seven women belonging to the French and Swiss conservative women’s group Collectif Némésis inside a restaurant. The female victims report that 20 hooded men attacked the women with chairs, bottles, knives, and pepper spray, resulting in injuries to the women.

In a statement published on Twitter, Collectif Némésis reported that “our activists are traumatized and the restaurant is destroyed.” Earlier in the day, the group had participated in the Swiss women’s strike.

The group also released a video from one of the activists, who spoke while still in the restaurant. In the background, broken glass can be seen, and individuals are sweeping up the glass.

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