The inward dark world of parents of gender-dysphoric children

Today, I’m going to talk about me and not my gender-dysphoric child. Because us parents of such kids need to be heard.

We, too, are suffering terribly, not just our dysphoric children. By we, I mean mums and dads and everyone else who is watching this disaster unfold to those we love so dearly. By we, I mean us who are being silenced and crushed to death by this giant bully which is the transgender religion.

I am currently in a state of crisis. I think about suicide sometimes. Even about doing it spitefully, just to cut off my nose to spite the trans ideology. To show them that we, too, could be statistics and that we, too, are suffering.

Where is our “affirming care,” that acknowledges the damage this is doing to us? We, too, are vulnerable after all! Parenting is also a spectrum. Some days we are strong and have wisdom to do well, but there are days when our fragile selves crumble under this immense pressure and we fail to summon up any courage. Days when we are weak and do the wrong thing or lack any parental control and feel frozen in helplessness.

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