North Korea infant jailed for life after parents found with Bible according to recent report

Christians in North Korea are considered the lowest in society, the report noted.

A two-year-old along with his entire family were sentenced to political life imprisonment after North Korean officials found a Bible in their possession, the US State Department’s International Religious Freedom Report 2022 found, documenting the regime’s crackdown on people having religious beliefs.

The report provided estimated figures on religious persecution, stating that approximately 70,000 Christians, as well as individuals from other faiths, are imprisoned in North Korea.

“The right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion [in the DPRK] also continues to be denied, with no alternative belief systems tolerated by the authorities,” António Guterres, the United Nationa’s (U.N) secretary-general said in the report outlining liberty religious atrocities that have occurred in North Korea in the past years. 

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