Hypersonic hydrogen-powered jet cuts trip from US to Australia from 17 hours to 4 and travels 5 times faster than sound

A COMPANY has developed a hypersonic hydron-powered passenger jet that could reduce flight time from America to Australia to just under four hours.

The European startup Destinus has been testing a prototype for several years and completed a successful test flight of a prototype at the end of 2022.

The company, based in Switzerland, was founded by Russian physicist and entrepreneur Mikhail Kokorich.

“You can reach the other side of the world in three to four hours without compromising on versatility, cost, or noise,” Destinus said. 

“Our hypersonic airplanes reduce the time for intercontinental transport by an order of magnitude,” the company continued.

“The speed and long-range capabilities are enabled by hydrogen as a fuel, and it will open new flight paths for passenger and cargo transportation anywhere on Earth,” Destinus ambitiously explained.

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