Ancient human DNA extracted from 20,000-year-old deer tooth pendant found in Denisova Cave

Scraps of ancient DNA coaxed out of a deer tooth pendant show it likely hung around the neck of a woman or girl around 20,000 years ago.

We don’t know what she looked like, but she was related to a population of humans further east of Denisova Cave in southern Siberia, in which the pendant was unearthed.

These insights into the pendant-wearer were made possible by a new technique — reported today in Nature — that can non-destructively extract ancient human DNA from objects made from porous materials like bone or teeth.

Denisova Cave has housed humans for nearly 300,000 years, by some estimates.

And it’s a “treasure box” for ancient human DNA, according to study lead researcher Elena Essel, a PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany.

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