Germany: Syrian migrant who crushed Jewish man’s eye socket now also accused of raping an underage girl while standing trial

He only received probation for the brutal beating because he was 16 at the time.

The Syrian suspect, Aram A. became known in Berlin for targeting a Jewish man in a brutal attack in 2021, which resulted in the victim’s eye socket, cheekbones and nasal bones being crushed. The attack was so brutal, the victim went blind in his right eye.

The 61-year-old victim was attacked while attending a vigil for Israel on Sept. 18, 2021, in Mönckebergstraße in Hamburg. The suspect, who was 16 years old when the attack occurred, received 16 months of probation due to his age. He appealed the sentence and was then re-sentenced, this time to 24 months of probation and 60 hours of social work.

However, new information has now come to light that Aram A. also raped an underage girl in Berlin while his trial was still ongoing, according to German news outlet Berliner Zeitung.

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