A mother reportedly got a call from a scammer who cloned her daughter’s voice to pretend he’d kidnapped her.

Jennifer DeStefano from Scottsdale, Arizona told Arizona’s Family – a local news station affiliated with CBS – that she received a call from a number listed as unknown. When she answered it, she could hear her 15-year-old daughter crying and saying things like, “mom, I messed up.” Her daughter was out of town on a ski trip at the time, she said.

DeStefano said that a man’s voice then came on the line, telling her daughter to put her head back and lie down. 

“Listen here, I’ve got your daughter,” the scammer reportedly said, according to DeStefano’s account of the call. In the background, her daughter pleaded for DeStefano’s help.

The voice “100%” belonged to her daughter, she told the local news site. “It was completely her voice. It was her inflection. It was the way she would have cried. I never doubted for one second it was her,” she added.

DeStefano said she was asked for money. First, the scammer started with $1 million, then, after she said she didn’t have that much money, it was lowered to $50,000.

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