Studies Show Wind Farms Raise Temperatures

Multiple studies have found that wind farms raise temperatures at the ground level. While the effect is small, as more wind farms are built, it could become a significant and sustained problem.

Several studies over two decades have found that wind turbines impact local meteorological conditions by raising temperatures at the surface level. 

The impacts are different from the warming effect of carbon dioxide emissions from oil, gas and coal in that they only last while the wind turbines are in operation. However, driven by federal subsidies, wind farms are being built across Wyoming at a rapid pace. 

As these spread across the Cowboy State, there’s a growing concern of the cumulative impacts all these projects will produce.

Anne Brande, executive director of the Albany County Conservancy, told Cowboy State Daily there are 13 wind projects planned around Laramie alone.

“I’m concerned about the impacts, as are the conservancy members. And no one is really taking a look at all this,” Brand said.

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