The French public is revolting about Macron’s pension reform

French riot police were set on fire today after being targeted by protesters armed with Molotov cocktails and other missiles amid May Day workers’ rights parades across the country.

At least 108 police officers were injured in violent clashes with demonstrators who have taken to the streets to continue their protests against President Macron’s widely unpopular pension reforms.

Footage showed petrol bombs hit police in Paris, while bike stands were also set on fire. One officer suffered burns to their face and body and was taken to hospital, state broadcaster France Televisions reported.

Dozens of people were arrested as rioting marred May Day protests across France, said to be the largest for three decades – unions had planned huge demonstrations across France today to protest the contentious decision to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64.

More than 500,000 took to the streets of Paris alone, with the worst trouble in the capital taking place in Nation square, where police used a water cannon and tear gas. There were similar scenes from Nantes to Marseilles, with the arrest total reaching 180 nationwide.

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