Poland’s prime minister: France favors ‘severing the ties’ with US

French President Emmanuel Macron favors “shifting the center of European gravity towards China,” according to Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

“I do not quite understand the concept of strategic autonomy if it means de facto shooting into our own knee,” Morawiecki said Thursday. “European autonomy sounds fancy, doesn’t it? But it means shifting the center of European gravity towards China and severing the ties with [the] U.S.”

Morawiecki did not identify Macron by name, but the reference to the French leader’s signature “strategic autonomy” concept made the rebuke unmistakable. And it punctuated a wider denunciation of traditional powers of Western Europe, which he characterized as feckless in the face of threats from Russia and China.

“They want a quick ceasefire — armistice in Ukraine — almost at any price. Maybe not all of them, but there are politicians in Western Europe who think so … ’Ceasefire at any at any price. The sooner the better, as quickly as possible, Ukraine. Why are you fighting so bravely?’” Morawiecki said at the Atlantic Council. “They want also [to ensure] that the selling of high-margin products to China continues. The wake-up call with regard to China is very, very soft — very weak in Europe across the European Union.”

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