Most have no idea it’s happening. Some who do know are willfully ignoring it. But as CBDCs rush toward becoming a reality, it’s time for us to do what we can to stop them or prepare.
The reality is the “endgame” is depopulation and complete control. To get there, the powers-that-be will need ONE Central Bank Digital Currency. As we watch dozens at various degrees of readiness being rolled out across the globe, we have to understand that bringing them all under one umbrella is necessary for the globalist elite cabal to win. This is what Project Icebreaker represents.
I covered this challenge last year, but since few other than Brandon Smith and me are even talking about it, I thought now would be a good time to reinforce and reinform. With that said, here’s Brandon’s article in its entirety. The only change I made was in the headline. He had a question mark at the end. I took the question mark away because whether Project Icebreaker is successful or not, we can assume that this is the intended beginning of their evil machinations.