Bill Gates Calls for Sovereign Nations to Surrender Health Authority to WHO

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is calling on the leaders of sovereign nations to surrender the authorities of their countries to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) “global health emergency corps.”

Gates argues that the WHO should be viewed as a “fire department for pandemics” that seizes control of nations on a global level during health emergencies.

Speaking in a New York Times op-ed published Sunday, Gates voiced his support for the WHO’s Global Pandemic Treaty.

The WHO’s treaty will essentially establish an unelected global regime that will override local laws with global protocols if the United Nations agency declares a health emergency.

The organization argues that a single governing body is essential for handling future pandemics.

By creating a single global authority, the WHO would be able to order once-sovereign nations to roll out vaccination and mask mandates, vaccine passports, widespread lockdowns, and other totalitarian pandemic measures, all under international law for the sake of public health.

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