‘With its Peace Plan, China has set a Perfect Trap for the US and Europe’ says Israeli expert

The U.S. will have to respond with a peace plan of its own, Israeli security analyst says

China’s peace plan for Ukraine has left the ball squarely on the U.S. side, said Israeli security analyst Robert C. Castel on Hungary’s KarcFM commercial radio station on Thursday.

When there are not too many peace plans on the table, all such documents are worth noting and discussing, said Castel, adding that there are two public plans, one signed by Pope Francis and the other by China. According to the security expert, the “ivory tower dwellers” of the West have a clear idea of “how to raise each other’s children” when it comes to peace plans for the Middle East, for example, but this “peacemaking fever” does not seem to be evident in the case of Ukraine.

However, “with its peace plan, China has set a perfect trap for the United States and Europe,” said Castel, who added that the U.S. can only come out of this situation well if it can also put a peace plan on the table.

The Chinese peace plan is, of course, in China’s interests, he said, adding that if U.S. diplomacy had been as serious as it was under President John F. Kennedy, the Americans would have foreseen all this and presented their own plan earlier as a preventive step. Instead, China has now forced the U.S. into a rearguard action in this area.

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