Why Alvin Bragg’s case against Trump is falling apart

It appears that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg will go another week in the legal effort to locate the nation of Kailasa on a map.

Recently, Mayor Ras Baraka and the city of Newark held a formal ceremony signing a partnership with the nation of Kailasa that pledged mutual cultural, social and political development.

After all of the fanfare, pomp and circumstance subsided, a small problem emerged.

Kailasa does not exist. One can certainly wonder why no one in Newark has access to Google or bothered to ask how a Hindu nation founded by an accused con man formed on an island off the coast of Ecuador.

However, to their credit, they did not continue to try to prove that Kailasa actually did exist under some creative geographical and political interpretation.

Despite similar widespread doubts over the existence of a viable state crime, Alvin Bragg continues a quest for his legal Kailasa.

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