He is going to keep on pouring money into efforts to stop the next pandemic until he finally succeeds in making one that kills us all.
Bill Gates is becoming a menace.
He will not leave us alone.
And he’s learned all the wrong lessons from Covid.
At this point he is worse than merely clueless. As one of the world’s 10 richest men and controller of a $50 billion charitable honeypot, Gates has the power to drive public health policy in dangerous directions.
He appears hellbent on doing so.
Gates is obsessed with the risk of future pandemics. Never mind that in the century following the 1918-19 flu pandemic, HIV was the only new infectious disease to cause significant societal disruption.
For all its ferocity, HIV proved controllable with anti-viral drugs that took barely a decade to develop after the virus was found. They would likely be developed much faster today, because scientists have developed far better computer modeling of viral surfaces and the way they interact with our cells.