Fauci Claims GOP Attacking Him Because of His Honesty

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former NIAID Director, recently appeared on the poorly watched NewNation show “Cuomo,” which is hosted by disgraced former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo. There, Fauci laughably claimed that the reason behind Republican attacks directed at him is his commitment to being truthful with the American public.

In response to the truly hard-hitting question from Chris Cuomo, “Why do you think that you are the target of so many accusations about covering up the source of COVID-19?” Fauci claimed it was all politically motivated.

“I think it is pretty clear it’s politically motivated. I don’t know what they’re talking about, ‘covering up.’ I have been totally transparent throughout,” he insisted.

“I’m not sure what they’re talking about when they say cover-up. I mean, it’s no secret that almost all of the Republican politicians that were running and those who are running for the first time had interspersed in their campaigns ‘Fire Fauci,’ ‘Indict Fauci,’ ‘Hang Fauci.’ It’s a political thing. I don’t know why it started, but I’m sure it was that back during the Trump administration,” he said.

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