Feminism is deeply rooted in Satanism and the occult

When you think of “feminism” what image comes to mind? For most people it’s an angry, hulking woman with short, choppy multi-colored hair, facial piercings, and a screeching voice that could stop Satan dead in his tracks.

And truthfully, they wouldn’t be too far off with that description…

Feminism certainly isn’t a “soft, loving” movement by any stretch of the imagination. On the contrary, it’s dark, angry, and extremely toxic. And if you’ve ever wondered why that is, keep reading…

The reason feminism is so vile and hateful is because, going back centuries, the movement itself has always been steeped in Satanism and the occult.

That explains a lot, doesn’t it?

In the US, signs of Satanism and the occult can be traced back to the 1680s, and it probably won’t surprise you to learn that the first taste of this demonic stuff started in New York.

As the dots begin to line up from there, a demonic pattern can be easily and factually traced right to the heart of feminism and liberalism, as well.

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