New Israeli MoH study shows COVID vax increases your risk of death

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The study shows the vaccine gradually increases the risk of death over time with a peak at 4 months from the shotThis is why it is so hard to see compared to a vaccine which causes a massive number of deaths shortly after the shot. But they don’t blame the vaccine. Instead, they claim that the increase in mortality is due to the healthy vaccinee effect (HVE). This is a “hand-waving argument” which has no evidentiary basis whatsoever (any HVE effect would be very small and very time limited).

The study also shows very clearly that the vaccines are increasing serious cardiovascular events in ages 12-29 after the shot with a peak on Day 3 that should not be ignored by anyone, but is being ignored by everyone including the people who wrote the study!

Click here for this article and the scientific paper

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