Pfizer was aware if 20+ side effects related to women’s reproductive health

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Did you know Pfizer was aware of 20-something different ways its shot could send a woman’s menstrual cycle into disarray? They pushed forth anyway and there wasn’t informed consent.

Some (not all) of the side effects:

• Heavy menstrual bleeding – 27,685 cases

• Menstrual disorder (pain, heavy bleeding, or absence of menstruation) – 22,145 cases

• Menstruation irregular (irregular cycle lengths) – 15,083 cases

• Menstruation delayed – 13,989 cases

• Dysmennorhea (pain during menstruation) – 13,904 cases

• Intermenstrual bleeding (bleeding in between periods) – 12,424 cases

• Amenorrhea (absence of period) – 11,363 cases

• Polymenorrhea (multiple periods) – 9,546 cases

• Vaginal hemorrhage (excessive bleeding of the female reproductive system) – 4,699 cases.

• Oligomenorrhea (infrequent menstrual periods) – 3,437 cases

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