Masturbation lessons and 100 genders: What our children are being taught at school

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Why are pre-pubescent pupils learning about ‘rough sex’ and preferred pronouns in secret?

What is going on in relationships and sex education lessons in schools? This week, MPs have raised the alarm about the volume of messages they are receiving from concerned parents who say they don’t know where else to turn.

Conservative MP Miriam Cates has presented Prime Minister Rishi Sunak with a dossier of evidence on the “nature and extent of indoctrination” in Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) in UK classrooms. It includes an abundance of case studies of sex education materials devised for teachers which state that gender is “fluid” as a fact, or include teaching that many parents consider age inappropriate. In some schools, children as young as 12 have been asked in lessons what they “feel” about oral and anal sex. 

“My 13-year-old was taught that there are 100 genders,” says one mother at an independent school in the East Midlands. “At that age my children have been taught ‘accepted terminology’ such as ‘cis gender’, ‘non-binary’ and ‘gender fluid’ with no suggestion that many people would find these terms and this ideology contrary to their beliefs – religious or otherwise.”

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