Swiss families facing eviction from private residence to make space for migrants 

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A total of 49 tenants are to be evicted from a private residential apartment building in the Swiss town of Windisch to make way for refugees after an agreement was reached between the private owner and state government.

The current residents, many of whom are reported by Swiss newspaper Le Matin to be “socially disadvantaged,” began to receive eviction notices on Feb. 24, informing them of the need to leave their homes after an agreement was reached to transform the residential building into an accommodation center for asylum seekers.

There appears to be a disagreement over the decision between the local government in the town, who had assured residents they would fight to let them keep their homes “by all possible means,” and the state government of Aargau, which has told the residents it is now up to them to find new apartments.

A spokesperson for the Aargau department of health and social affairs, which is involved in the decision, declined to comment on the matter, saying only that it wishes “to discuss (the matter) with the municipality of Windisch.”

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